Farm Island Lake
Farm Island is a 2,054 acre lake in Aitkin County and the 4th largest lake in the county. It has about 14.6 miles of irregular shoreline. The lake has a maximum depth of 56 feet and at least 40% of the lake basin is less than 15 feet in depth. There are about 368 property owners as of 2024.
Water clarity in 2024 was 14 feet.
The Ripple River (at one time called the Mud River) flows into the lake on the west side and out on the northeast into Little Pine. It flows through a number of lakes and empties into the Mississippi River in Aitkin.
There are 3 islands on the lake. The largest is Farm Island, or big island, at 29 acres. It gets its name from the Ojibwa who had large farm fields on the island prior to 1900.
June 1, 2020 Farm Island Lake was added to the MN DNR Infested Waters List for zebra mussels.
Click map for printable version.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Farm Island Lake Improvement Association (FILIA) is to:
1) Promote the safety and common good of its members and the surrounding Farm Island Lake (FIL) community.
2) Improve and preserve the quality of the land and water in the Farm Island Lake area for its members, the community and future generations.
Some examples of how we strive to meet our mission are:
Work with DNR, ACLARA and Aitkin Soil and Water Department on Invasive Species Prevention, includes efforts to monitor public accesses
Provide opportunities (FIL Boat Parade, annual meeting, AIS updates, etc.) for members to get to know each other. This will foster a safer community setting.
Provide an opportunity for members to provide feedback to the DNR on issues such as walleye slot limits, invasive species and boat access
Provide members feedback on safety issues from the Aitkin Sheriff Department
Loon nesting program
Water quality monitoring
Lake weed control
Improve walleye spawning area