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Curly-leaf Pondweed

















Curly-Leaf Pondweed  3/18/2018

Curly-leaf (sometimes called curly-leaf pondweed) is an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) that was introduced into our area lakes around 1941 and can probably not be eradicated.  It grows in the winter-time; and when there is not a lot of snow, you get more curly-leaf.  Since about 2014 our past years’ winter conditions have been perfect for the growth of curly-leaf, unfortunately. The best time for removal of curly-leaf is within weeks of when the ice melts.   Trying to harvest the weeds in the spring and summer merely spreads the seeds around.


There are certain areas of Farm Island Lake that have curly-leaf.  The FILIA Board Members ask that people with curly-leaf work together to determine any action taken.


The MN DNR has a section on their website devoted to Aquatic Invasive Species - Programs, Reports, and Partners.
Click here to learn more. Contact information can be found there, along with a website page specific to curly-leaf.

Curly-leaf Compared to Native (Floating, Clasping) Pondweed

Curly-leaf is similar in appearance to many native pondweeds commonly found in Minnesota waters, such as clasping and floating pondweed. It can be distinguished from other pondweeds based on its serrated leaf edges and unique life cycle. It is generally the first pondweed to come up in spring and dies in mid-summer.

Curly-leaf pondweed generally grows from the shore to water depths of 15 feet, and can grow up to 15 feet tall. It tolerates low water clarity and will readily invade disturbed areas. Minnesota Wildflowers has excellent descriptions and pictures of curly-leaf and floating pondweed at

Clasping Leaf looks similar to curly leaf, but leaves are wide and wavy, and don’t have teeth like curly-leaf. Found submerged in water up to 12 feet.

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